
mercoledì 4 marzo 2015

Getting Superior at the All State Music Festival

"Ok guys, i wanna hear it: am i gonna love you any less if we screw up right at the beginning? No, of course not. I don't wanna see you all nervous and scared on the stage. We practiced for two months and now it's the moment to show the judges how great we are. We are not as good as that Shadow Mountain high school? Whatever. That teacher has to deal with 12 students. And you know that they all get private lessons payed by the school? Their cafeteria even sells smothies. So don't think of them. Lets just go out there and have fun. You got me? Smile and have fun. That's why we play, right? So lets show the judges."
Questo è stato il discorso di Mrs.Irvin prima di salire sul palco per la competizione tra orchestre. Abbiamo sfidato 45 scuole diverse - il festival continua anche domani.
Ci siamo guadagnati un bel "Superior", ovvero la categoria più alta, grazie ai voti 1-1-2 dei giudici.
È stata una bella esperienza e proprio come ci ha detto di fare la prof: ci siamo divertiti :)


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